
Tristan William Lee.....the smallest gifts bring such great joy.

I've been fortunate to have several dear friends who have had babies in the last month. Oh my goodness how I love watching new families move through the welcoming of an infant into their lives. So many new things to see and figure out not the least of which is feeding schedules and sleeping...oh precious sleep. 

I had the pleasure to go over to Blake and Chelsea's home to photography Tristan. He was just as sweet as when I saw him briefly in the hospital. He was already forming his own personality and was being watched over by his precious parents and grandparents. I'm grateful to Blake and Chelsea for allowing me to come over and be a part of such a major life event for their family. I've known Blake and his family for most of the 25+ years that I've lived in Vacaville and the fact that Blake and Evan have been friend through most of that time made this time of connection very special to me. 

Here are just a few of my favorites from the hospital and my home visit at about 10 days old with little Tristan William Lee Pullin....born three weeks early on January 25th, weighing 5 lbs. 11 ozs. and 18.5 inches long. 

First of many family photos. Much love to all of you. 

Daniel Graves ~ 11/14/15 A Year Full of Milestones.

Daniel is celebrating turning a year old next month, one of many milestones he has reach this year. His parents wanted to capture this moment with a few photos that we took last week at the

Daniel was just recently diagnosed with cerebal palsy and is working on fine motor skills. We used his chair to help him with sitting up and placed him in among the pumpkins.  He is so engaging, loves and responds to both Sarah and Jason with smiles. He needs glasses so that he can see details and I think he looks so cute with them. He and I giggled and had the best time together during this photo session.

Sarah shared with our church just recently about her birth experience and the struggles that Daniel is facing as a result. Sarah and Jason are so sweet with Daniel and he is so very precious. I've included their testimony with these sweet photo of Daniel.

Thanks Jason, Sarah and Daniel for sharing this part of your journey with me and allowing me to photograph the love you all have for each other. It was a privilege.