
Raelin (Rae) James the 4th and Final 8/5/18

It always makes for a fun day when I can go and spend time with a momma and her kiddos. It's even more fun when a newborn is involved and I get to take photos with all of them. Here are a few shots from my time with Little Miss Raelin. Loads of cuddles, yawns and wide eyed looks. All the while as her brother and Rae's sweet sisters look on. Thanks Vanessa for taking some pics of me too. I love watching kids be excited about photography.

David Michael at Lagoon Valley

Just recently I was asked to do the one year photos for a little guy whose newborn photos I did. We ventured out to Lagoon Valley on a day that started out warm almost hot to overcast and for a brief time it rained while we were shooting. David was a bundle of energy and it was hard to keep up with him. He is such a deep thinker but also has such a sweet and infectious laugh. I love to see how much the littles I photograph as newborns change and how much their personality as newborns really follow them as they grow. Thanks Jessica and Ian for sharing David with me. Such a sweet boy!

Amelia Laddie

Babies have a way of making us smile. They are squishy....they smell good...and for me they bring hope. I had the joy of going to Tahoe last week to photograph sweet Amelia who was about two weeks early. Not just that but this new family had planned a move the weekend that she arrived. I was still able to capture all of her newborn faces along with the joy and excitement of her parents. Oh yes and her furry brothers too. Best Wishes to all of you! 

Gwen Turns One.

Little Gwen was one of my Fresh 48's that I did in 2016. Her momma was a trooper as she labored many hours before this princess decided it was time to arrive on the scene. I was so impressed that both Natalie and Aaron seemed at ease during the first few hours after Gwen's arrival. I was thankful for a healthy birth and for two parents who I knew would be all about parenting this little. Fast forward to this year and time has gone full speed ahead and Gwen will be turning one in May. Thank you~Aaron and Natalie for including me in this special family event. There is nothing more special then seeing one of the newborns you photographed turn ONE!! 

Hallie....from Newly Born to One year old.

In my Captured Moments Newborn gallery Hallie's newly born photos were part of my 2016 season. Hallie's grandma, Teresa is a friend of mine and that was how I was introduced to Hallie's momma, Lindsey. I traveled across the bridge to meet with them in their home to capture the first few weeks of Hallie's life. It was such a sweet time and I was so grateful for Lindsey's trust in allow me to capturing her newborn moments. I informed her when we first talked that I was a simple photographer. I didn't really do props or wraps. Just you and your baby.  She loved that idea and gave me a couple of ideas she hoped to capture. I've included a few of the photos from that time we spent together.

Fast forward to February of 2017. Lindsey and I have been in touch during the last year. She reach out to me during the earlier days in November when my son had passed away. She sent me a photo she had found on the Sacramento State website that had mentioned about my son's passing. It was such a sweet gesture during a time that was one of the most gut wrenching of my life. She then contacted me in February asking if I was available to do Hallie's one year photos and she wouldn't have want anyone else but me to do these timeless photos for her and I said absolutely!!! We both had a few detours in our schedules but we eventually worked out a time and a place and below are the results of our time together. I love this family!! 

Lindsey...thank you for not only reaching out to me but for trusting me with your most precious possession...your family. 

Cameron James Binion March 14, 2017

When Jennifer posted her 39 week photo the weekend before Cameron decided he was on his way, I sent her a message to keep me posted as to her progress after a stress test. When I didn't hear from her I knew she was in the middle of induction so I just waited...I touched base with her mom and finally Cameron was delivered on the 14th and I was able to go see them the next day to capture these Fresh 48's for them. Congratulations to Clell and Jennifer on the healthy deliver of this sweet boy. Oh my how I love newborns.  

Sugar and Spice....Welcome Olivia Canalita Lahl~January 26, 2017

I really can't tell you how exciting it is to see new parents as they navigate the first 48 hours after having a newborn. So many things to discover and cherish, hurdles to overcome and challenges to push through. Just about two weeks ago I posted a Milk Bath Maternity session with Lindsey...I've included it here in this blog post just in case you missed it. Lindsey and I did that session at the beginning of January and she wasn't due until February. So when she started having contraction last week it looked like Miss Olivia would be arriving in God's perfect timing and Lindsey, David and all of their extended family could not be more excited to welcome her.

These are just a few of the photos captured during their first 48 hours as a new family. Both of you have included me in all...if not most of your life events and I am so thankful for your love and friendship. Your love for each other is so evident and Olivia is one blessed little girl to have you both as parents. Lindsey you bring such tenderness and nurturing...David always the confident protector and encourager. Thank you for share and including me in such a special and intimate time with your new family. I'm already so impressed by who you both are as parents.

I know...she is so dang cute!!!