God is in the every day.....be present.

I have been out sorts since about the third of November. As I look back over the last 45 days I'm trying hard to remember some of the everyday things that I stopped and photographed. On the 4th of November 2016 my life and the life of my family was changed forever. At 3:22am we were woken up to the sound of brisk knocking at our front door. When I looked through the shutters I saw two officers and realized that this could not be good news. Unfortunately it was not.....they told me that Evan had been in an accident and they needed us to come to Kaiser hospital. I woke up my husband and my son and we made our way to the hospital. I honestly don't remember much but some of the things I do remember is waiting what seemed like a life time before we saw Evan. I remember the strength with a bit of apprehension that my husband and my son displayed that day and through out our time in the hospital....and I remember how quiet it was...on the drive over...in the waiting room as we waited to see Evan. It was almost as if the Lord was putting a blanket over us....a tangible protection so to speak....so that we did not get to far ahead of ourselves. Anybody that knows me knows that (in my mind) I can go to places no one has gone before but on this day I was under the protection of the Lord who knows and sees all that is going on and I had great Hope about what was before us. Now....does that mean I was not scared...no I was totally scared. Was I not worried...OF COURSE I was worried but what I'm saying is even in the midst of being scared and worried....there was calm....quiet....a presence that only God can bring....from the moment I was woken up by the knock at the door and that has remained with me even now. 

The following moments...hours...days...weeks and now one month from Evan's passing have been a blur. So much love has been poured out on us from all over the planet. We have gotten over 300+ cards, along with emails, Facebook messages, meals, flowers...lots of flowers, more meals, hugs, words of encouragement and the list is endless as to the gifts and love that have poured our way. Really to say thank you seems so small for what has been given to us. I don't want to give this illusion that everyday has been rainbows and unicorns. It is not...I have lived in this community for over 27 years and there isn't one place that doesn't remind me of Evan....I cry frequently in public and in private.....but in that I also feel that presence that came to me that first moment when the knocking came at the front door. I hope in weeks to come to chat more about this journey as I've tried to express some of the things I believe the Lord has placed on my heart regarding loss, relationships, investing in people, and walking out our faith in the midst of great loss and tragedy. I hope to take what God shows me through the every day and move it out so that we can pondering together the beauty that surrounds us. I also want to take some of my son's writings and pair them with my photography to create a beautiful blending of two creatives using what has be placed in us to shine a light and send a smile.

To all of you who have walked with us....We love you. You're our tribe and you will never know what a blessing you have been to us. To those of you who know Evan I ask you to not forget. You carry a small piece of him with you and whether he would admit it or not that piece...that love...was Jesus. Love Well...Care often....Don't be afraid to be a zookeeper. 

Daniel Graves ~ 11/14/15 A Year Full of Milestones.

Daniel is celebrating turning a year old next month, one of many milestones he has reach this year. His parents wanted to capture this moment with a few photos that we took last week at the http://www.coolpatchpumpkins.com/

Daniel was just recently diagnosed with cerebal palsy and is working on fine motor skills. We used his chair to help him with sitting up and placed him in among the pumpkins.  He is so engaging, loves and responds to both Sarah and Jason with smiles. He needs glasses so that he can see details and I think he looks so cute with them. He and I giggled and had the best time together during this photo session.

Sarah shared with our church just recently about her birth experience and the struggles that Daniel is facing as a result. Sarah and Jason are so sweet with Daniel and he is so very precious. I've included their testimony with these sweet photo of Daniel. 


Thanks Jason, Sarah and Daniel for sharing this part of your journey with me and allowing me to photograph the love you all have for each other. It was a privilege. 

Celebrating a great accomplishment with my other family.....

Recently I had the privilege to accompany a dear friend from grade school and her family to the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, DC. We've been a part of each others families since 6th grade and have stayed in touch for the last 40 years. Nadine and I have been through a lot together.....it seems that as each was going through a season the other was either on the other side or just beginning....we've watched our kids grow up and now I am watching her kids become parents. What a great honor to be included with her family and the nation for this historic event.  Nadine's sister, Dr. Renee S. Anderson, is the Head of Collections for the museum and has spent count less hours, days, weeks and years preparing for this museum and grand opening. As family, friends and community leaders came together on that Friday in September we were one of the first of many groups of visitors that would visit this beautiful museum.  I was in awe of the attention to detail that was not spared;  to the detail of the building, to the quotes that were used through out and every piece of clothing and art that was displayed. Not only was it beautiful, rich and sobering.... it was a gift to be included and to share this moment with my friend and her family.

Nadine and I were raise in Va. during the early 70's when friendships like ours were not necessarily easy. Many people were not open to crossing racial boundary but despite the world around us we became fast friends and some of our most treasured and trusted moments have been spent together. To be able to go to this museum with her and her family was very special. I am grateful to have been able to share it with her. The accomplishments made by Renee have been such a source of pride for Nadine's family and to see Nadine as a proud older sister was awesome. 

When we toured the museum it was still a week before the "Grand Opening" and many of the exhibits had not been completed. It still made a big impact on all of us and to walk around with Nadine's mother and see it through her eyes was really amazing. It was difficult for Nadine and early on in the tour she had to step away...we talked about it later the next day and it still was difficult for her to express how deep her feelings were for her people and the harshness and brutality they experienced. My hope is to go back with Nadine and her kids to experience the museum with them now that it is completed. 

These are a few of the photos from our time at the museum with her family. I have included a link to the website for the museum here:  https://nmaahc.si.edu  A special thanks to, Dr. Renee S. (Jackson) Anderson for her hard work as Head of Collections and for sharing such a beautiful piece of history with us and the world. 

Fall is knocking at the door.....

The last few days I've been preparing myself for my early wake up call on Saturday. It sort of helps that my husband has been getting up before the birds the last few mornings which is a great motivator. The world looks so different in the early morning hours, before the sun comes up. It as though the world is stretching and slowly rising from it's slumber. As I was sitting out by the airport this morning I felt a bit like an intruder to the peace that surrounded me. No planes taking off, no children scrambling to kick the soccer ball or throw a baseball. Just me and a flock of birds in a far off tree and a lone pheasant. For a moment as I was shooting it felt like I was in the Serengeti like you see in movies...but alas I was in Vacaville, near the Nut Tree Airport enjoying my Peet's Coffee and grasping a hold of the beauty right here. Enjoy the photos from the sunrise today.

The most beautiful memories are made in the kitchen.....

Photography has given me such great opportunities to meet new people and explore different cultures. I'm fortunate to have a great friend who is a volunteer for Slow Food Yolo http://www.slowfoodyolo.com. She includes me in all of the events that they sponsor and allows me to use my photograph skills for a useful and I believe greater purpose, in the case of Slow Food, to promote healthy eating and to purchase your food locally whenever possible. 

Earlier in the spring she invited me to come to a dinner that was being prepared by Meera Klein https://meeraklein.com. Meera is a local author whose first novel "My Mother's Kitchen: A Novel with Recipes" is a beautiful combination of her great storyteller and her love of cooking. Meera had the group that gathered for this meal captivated with her stories of family and her home in India. She is a beautiful person whose love for her family and traditions was so evident in the stories she shared with us. 

I was able to capture the meal prep, as everyone had a part to play. Meera is so comfortable explaining the stories behind all of the food items that were prepared. It was a lovely evening and I look forward to enjoying another evening of stories and food by this precious lady. If you are interested in learning more about Meera I've included her website (above) and her Facebook link. https://www.facebook.com/meerakleinauthor/

Church in the Park 2016

The ending of summer for me is Labor Day weekend. BBQ's, swimming and just one more late night outside watching the sunset and the moonrise. The one thing that always gets me ready for the end of summer is our Annual Church in the Park. This was our third year celebrating Sunday at Andrews Park.  Our congregation comes together and have a great time as a church body. It is a lot of work but is so much fun to see all of the people who attend at different times during any given weekend and we get to celebrate outside together. Although I dislike the end of summer, I love this time of reconnection before school begins. Thanks to all of the folks at Valley Church who make this Sunday event happen. 

On the hunt for the Sturgeon Moon....and a couple of other planets too.

Last night I made my way towards Dixon/Davis to capture the Sturgeon Moon http://earthsky.org/tonight/sturgeon-moon-lights-up-night-sky. I found an open field and was able to not only capture the moon rising but the sun setting. I was also able to find a few other planets. Enjoy!!

The Waxing Moon and Balloons over Vacaville

So thankful to live in a city that has so much open space that I can find beautiful things to photograph. Last night I was able to capture the waxing moon as it moves ever closer to the full moon. Here is a little help with the waning and waxing moon How to Tell Whether the Moon Is Waxing or Waning: 9 Steps. I was up early and caught a glimpse of these balloons coming in from Napa. So lovely, it was such a great start to the day and cool temperatures this early morning too. Enjoy these beauties!!

Family, Flashdance and Horseshoe Curve

Each Summer for the last few years I have had the privilege of taking my parents to my Dad's family reunion in Pennsylvania. Every year it is held in the small town of Altoona, nestled at the bottom of the beautiful Allegheny Mountains. It is also the next door neighbor to Holidaysburg, the home of the Slinky http://americanprofile.com/articles/home-of-the-slinky/ Both of my parents are from Altoona, which got a mention in the movie "Flashdance" and is home to the World Famous Horseshoe Curve. http://www.railroadcity.com/visit/world-famous-horseshoe-curve/. This year it was really sweet to have my mom with me in the car as we drove through old neighborhoods and heard stories of her childhood.

My dad, started his career with the Pennsylvania railroad in Altoona, after returning from serving in the Navy, on a submarine. It has been such a great experience for me to travel with them for so many reasons but the best reason is I have such fond memories of my visits to Altoona as a child. Both sets of grandparents lived and died here and it has been a beautiful thing to experience with my parents the place they have always known as "Home". 

This year, it was important for me to capture the moments not just with photos but with stories of my parents and their lives. To know the different yet interconnected ways that they saw themselves and how their siblings saw them. My son mentioned to me an app called https://storycorps.org which allows you the ability to interview people and take photos of the interview participants with your smartphone or tablet. The quality of the recording is great and you can send the interview content to the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress to keep forever. 

Another great thing about these journeys has been to reconnect with my cousins, aunts, uncle and to just be family.  My Aunt, who has always been the organizer of these reunions, is having a harder time getting around. She has done such a great job of organizing these reunions and I so appreciate her desire to have the family come together. Although it was a hard trip for my parents we had the best time. My father looks forward to this all year long and he needed this time of connection as he was given a terminal diagnosis just two weeks prior to us leaving. This time spent with his siblings. nieces and nephew was so important for him. We again made the journey....traveling along the Blue Ridge Mountain and over the Allegheny Mountains....continuing to make memories as we go.

Figs, Flowers and Food...

Last night a couple of friends and I enjoyed a lovely meal alfresca in Napa. It was a perfect night  made more so by the celebratory tone as we were celebrating a friend's birthday. We enjoyed food, drink and very engaging patrons dining near us. We chatted with several other table about what they had ordered and gave our recommendations when asked. Our table was located near the open patio that overlooks the fountain, garden and vineyards. The sun was setting as we ate and pretty much this was darn near close to a perfect evening and one the I believe will look similar to one I shall enjoy when I am in Heaven. 

While we finished dinner I had the chance to grab my camera and walk through the garden and vineyard. The restaurant seems to use this garden for many of the dishes they prepare which made this a great example of garden to table. It was a plentiful garden full of fruits, vegetables and flowers. One of the trees in this garden was a fig tree. Figs are so beautiful, I know that they are fruit but they are just as lovely as a flower. Their skin is a lovely shade of green and when they are ripe the fruit is a warm shade of pale burgundy. They smell delicious and taste like the beginning and end of Fall. Crazy that I would be thinking about fall in the middle of summer but that is what the taste of figs does to me. I must have at least 3 perfumes that have fig as the primary notes. 

It was a lovely evening, enjoyed with great friends, loads of laughter and so much love.

Today I am thankful for the beauty that I have the pleasure of enjoying and the people that I get to share it with.....

Listening with your eyes....hearing with your heart...

"Storms make the oak grow deeper roots"   George Herbert

This week has been one that really has left me without words but not in short supply of feels....other then the fact that I've been trying to figure out a few technical issues I am having with my computer I've been very introspective. I've not been able to go out much and do much photography just because the computer thing has consumed me....but when I did go out I wasn't inspired...I wasn't moved. Now we all know that we can't always have inspiration...boy I wish we could. As I have sat and pondered the universe and how it is spinning...I have been listening with my eyes...to see the things that have been placed before me and to enjoy them without the need to "capture" them...that does not mean that I haven't captured them I just want to lean in more.....be a part of the spinning universe...to hear with my heart. That said, for today, I will continue to lean in....I will continue to listen with my eyes, and hear with my heart....

Chasing Sunflowers....

Many times when I am out photographing I don't always realize what I have truly captured until I see it through the process of culling and editing. It is during this process that photographs really speak to my soul. Nearly every time I’m editing I am moved to tears as I see what the Creator has allowed me to capture. Creation has always, for me, spoken of the existence of Christ. Even before I came to know Him the sound of the wind blowing, the blue of the sky, the beauty in a flowers, the moon and the stars...all of it moved me. 

Tonight I ended my evening in Davis and stopped just before sunset at the sunflower field off of Pedrick Road. Oh so many sunflowers all blowing in the wind. Some with large faces, some with medium faces, some with dried up faces, some tall, some small, some short and some just beginning to get ready to open. What I was struck by was how all of them....in each stage of  growth was encouraging the other to grow, to dance, to sprout. I know it seems funny but that is what I saw...it is this beautiful dance of encouragement......to shine their faces on all of the different stages and say..."Come on...you can do it" "You are so beautiful...just keep growing!". Oh how lovely are the faces of those sunflowers. The comfort even of knowing that even the ones that are dying are going to be used for a greater purpose. It was really lovely. 

It made think of each of us....what stage of growth are we in? Can you call out with your beautiful face and be like these sunflowers? Come on...you can do it!! 

"Cafe Terrace at Night" Wedding

I had the pleasure and honor of capturing the wedding of Matt and Leandra Freese. Leandra's love for color and sunflowers with Matt's attention to detail was a beautiful combination for this lovely outdoor wedding on the cusp of summer solstice and the full moon. Expressions of Van Gogh's famous art could be seen on each table and the backdrop of china blue sheers with twinkle light made the evening magical for these two. Matt and Leandra made a point to stop at every table to greet their guests. It was a special touch the I know made everyone feel honored. Dancing and singing ended the evening on a high note as the couple left through a line of friends and family sending them on their way to their new home.

Putting Your Art Out There...The Story Continues.

So after much encouragement from friends and family, I placed some of my photos in several art shows.  Those shows are the California State Fair, The Juried Art Show at the Vacaville Art Gallery and The Mother Lode Art Exhibition in Placerville. I wasn't sure it was something I wanted to do, as I had shared in a previous blog post before about Putting Your Art Out There..... it is somewhat of a vulnerable place for artists and it is also a bit of a task as you have to decide what pieces you have and what will be show worthy. So I did that and found I had about 16 photos that after talking it through with an online group I felt good about the choices and how they inspired the type of emotion that made me along with others enjoy them....I entered a few landscapes, a few portraits of others, some event photos and just a few with no specific designation other then they were photos that friends had enjoyed.

The first show I was suppose to hear from was the California State Fair. To make a long story short I did not hear from the coordinator on the designated day that was given to me so I thought I did not get into the Fair. As this was my first time putting art pieces in a show I didn't realizing that a formal email would be sent if you were accepted or rejected. I was a little....no a lot discouraged. Fortunately, for me, I was able to process with an online group of friends who had helped me decide the photos that I should place in these shows. They encouraged me and I pressed on to go out that evening and photograph sunflowers. (I LOVE Sunflowers) Then two day later I got this email "Welcome Exhibitors" which informed me that my photo "So Many Things to Ponder" got accepted into the California State Fair. In addition to finding out about the California State Fair. this last weekend I also found out that four of my photos had been accepted to the Juried Art Show in Vacaville and two accepted to the Mother Lode Art Exhibition. To say that this has been challenging would be an under statement. I have felt the sting of rejection but also the overwhelming joy of having something I have created be appreciated. So many thanks to all of my friends and family who encouraged me and helped me get to this point. You are my inspiration!! Thank you!! 

Strawberry Moon 2016

Today marks not only the beginning of summer but a rare occurrence that hasn't happened since 1967. Two astronomical phenomena will occur at the same time. This evening's "strawberry" full moon will occur at the same time as the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. EarthSky.org said that a full moon on a summer solstice is a rare event, and we will not see another until June 21, 2062. As I will not be here in June of 2062...I have left this gallery here for those who will come after me. Enjoy!

The photos are a little fuzzy as there was so much heat rising from the earth. 

Ben 2016

I had the pleasure of snapping a few photos with this young man, who in just a few days, will be graduating from High School. The days that passed from kindergarten to high school seem like eons but when your child graduates from high school those eons turn into fractions of a second. You almost can't catch your breath cause you want to be able to stop time from advancing. I was grateful to have been able to spend time with Ben and for just a brief moment to capture this time in his life for his folks. Best Wishes and Congratulations to the Class of 2016!! 

The Flag and Memorial Day

I love the American flag..... not just because it makes me feel patriotic but also because it gives me that heart soaring feeling you get when you hear the national anthem or when you say the pledge of allegiance. The flag makes me smile. It makes me proud to be American.

My husband and I took a road trip recently leading up to the Memorial Day weekend. We traveled down the coast and ended up in the LA area. During our travels back up the coast I tried to capture photos of the American flag in each city we traveled through and with it being Memorial Day weekend coming up there was an abundance of American flags. While on my way to the Getty Center I happened upon the Los Angeles National Cemetery which was adorned with flags from every state in the U.S. plus many American flags. I was greeted by a lovely gentleman who explained to me that they were preparing for the Memorial Day service they would be doing on Monday so the pathways were adorned with American flags. It filled me with pride to see so many beautiful flags flying in honor of those who gave their lives for my freedom and as I walked through the many gravestones it was a somber reminder that Freedom isn't free. I am grateful for the many brave men and women who gave their lives for my freedom. 

So on this Memorial Day take a moment to remember.....

Memorial Day 2016

Oh the emotions you will feel....

Babies make me smile and weep and giggle...and talk in a high voice. They make me feel so many emotions it's hard to capture them all. The parents of babies do the same thing as I look through my lens and I see such love, care and just a depth that not always is something that can be put into words but that the camera always captures. Yesterday all of those emotions that a person can feel were felt by me as I had the blessing of capturing this sweet baby girl. Happy Birthday!